lundi 10 mai 2010

in flights of fancy (nº 200)

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Source: Lula

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Ce blog a commencé il y a une année comme une simple méthode d'expression de mon "monde interieur" on pourrait dire, mais aujoud'hui je publie le post numéro 200 de moncieldelit et je ne peut pas éviter d'être ravie! merci à tous et à toutes! :D

This blog started about a year ago with the objective of presenting the world I have inside me and now I can't avoid feeling quite proud of it... Today I publish the post number 200 of moncieldelit, I know it is not much but anyway, I wanna thank all of you. HAVE A NICE DAY!


6 commentaires:

  1. wow, 200 si es bastante!
    Pues si que iré, aunque no creo que llegue a la misa porque mi tren llega justo a las 8...
    Entonces te veré allí, pero a Leire no ya que últimamente el grupo se ha separado bastante y me tengo que dividir por la mitad!
    Me muero de ganas de ver lo guapa que iras seguro! :D
    (yo todabia no sé ni que ponerme con esto de la lluvia...)

  2. congratulations!!! te los mereces jeje

  3. J'adore le papillon de la premiere photo!

    -The Trendy Fashionista

  4. Ooh I just did a post on Lula magazine, don't you just wish you could crawl into those pages and live a life filled with polkadot garments and big bows? This editorial with Ali Michael is so dreamy and perfectly whimsical.

    Congratulations on your 200 posts!

  5. oooh adoro las fotos son preciosas! :D
    un besitoo!

  6. Dear V
    I´m glad to check that I still can write under a secret name which is Anonyme( it could me cooler, couldn´t it?)
    I want me to know that I´m so proud of you...200 its so much, I could never be patient enough!
    So any way, congratulations again and continue being as originally perfect as only you can be.
    Love you very very very much
